How Can I Cook Beans in a Rice Cooker Easy Instruction

Do you know that your rice cooker is capable of cooking a variety of beans? Yes! In this brand-new tutorial, you’ll learn how can I cook beans in a rice cooker a simple way. More than simply a rice cooker, rice cookers are multipurpose appliances.

Cooking quinoa, beans, rice, and other side dishes in these pots is a breeze if you follow the directions carefully.

Let me share with you how I obtain properly cooked beans in a rice cooker, and I’ll also offer you some tips on how to season your beans and what to serve them with in the kitchen. Please feel secure and excited to begin cooking at the conclusion of this essay.

What Are Beans

Fabaceae seeds come in a variety of hues and shapes and are the seeds of a larger plant family. “Legumes” are a type of bean that derives from the blooms of a perennial herb family and has been ingested by humans for ages.

Beans like walnuts, kidney beans, chickpeas, and soybeans are the most common. Proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants, to name a few, abound in them.

In terms of fiber, beans are a particularly good bet. A Fabaceae seed is the seed of a flowering plant that belongs to this family. As a result, beans are one of the most searched ingredients in the world since they are so adaptable.

Many countries still use beans as a main source of protein, and they have done so for centuries. This inexpensive and versatile ingredient is a staple in Mexican cuisine, and it may be used in a variety of ways depending on the dish’s requirements.

Varieties of Beans

There are a wide variety of beans available in our local supermarkets, so I’d like to discuss some of the more popular varieties with you. Let’s take a closer look at the beans you’ll be utilising in your recipe.

  • Kidney Beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Soya Beans
  • Cannellini Beans
  • Red Beans
  • Navy Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Great Northern Beans

Kidney Beans

Nutrient beans like these are particularly popular among vegans since they give roughly 155 calories and 9 grammes of protein per serving.

With their high fibre content, kidney beans help control blood sugar levels and are safe for diabetics.


White beans nuts are another name for chickpeas, but whichever name you like, these legumes are packed with fibre and protein. Because of its high protein content and other necessary elements, this bean variety is an excellent meat substitute. Chickpeas include 7 grammes of protein and 200 calories per 100 grammes.

This variety of bean has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and eliminate harmful bacteria in the digestive tract As a result, it reduces the risk of heart disease as well as cancer and assists in weight loss.

Soya Beans

As a final note on Asian staples, soy beans are widely consumed due to the high concentration of antioxidants they contain. Soybeans have a calorie and protein content of 220 per 100 grammes, making them one of the most nutritionally beneficial bean varieties.

This dietary element has been shown to lower the risk of some malignancies, heart disease, and cholesterol through its anti-cancer and anti-heart disease properties. In addition to menopausal bone mass loss, this substance can help women.

Cannellini Beans

Those in need of a meaty, big bean should look no farther than this one. Because of their white colour, they’re sometimes referred to as “white kidney beans” by certain individuals.

Salads benefit greatly from the nutty flavour of these beans, which may be enhanced by toasting or frying them. These beans are excellent for soups and stews since they maintain their form well and have a strong flavour.

Red Beans

The use of red beans in Latin and Caribbean cuisine is common. They are small, with a nutty flavour and a delicate texture, and have a sweet and nutty flavour. This meal will be enhanced by the rich crimson hue of the berries.

Navy Beans

Look no farther than this list of the best beans for your favourite creamy southern meals. Bean chowders benefit greatly from the creamy, delicate flavour and texture of navy beans. Although these robust beans are unable to maintain their form, their creamy flavour is enhanced as a result.

Black Beans

The carbohydrate content of black beans is minimal. If you’re trying to cut back on carbs, try using black beans rather than pinto beans. Despite their remarkable appearance, they have the same texture and flavour as pinto beans, making them extremely adaptable.

Great Northern Beans

Slow-cooked foods, such as soups and stews, benefit greatly from the use of Great Northern Beans, which maintain their shape very well. The flavour isn’t particularly powerful, so they won’t be the star of your meal.

Can I Cook Beans In A Rice Cooker 1

Why Use a Rice Cooker to Cook Beans?

When it comes to using a rice cooker, some people think it’s exclusively for making rice. They neglected to mention that this cooking gadget has improved to the point that it can now cook a wide range of items, not only rice, to the best of its ability.

One good reason to use a rice cooker is that modern technology is so advanced that it can detect when foods are at their optimal cooking stage and deliver the most flavorful texture on the first try.

It not only avoids the hassle of manually monitoring the cooking of the beans on a regular burner, but it also ensures the best possible bean supper.

It automatically selects the temperature and pressure needed for the best bean dinner. Because of this, the rice cooker is an excellent choice for your next dinner of beans; you won’t be disappointed.

Benefits of Beans

They include some of the greatest amino acids and are a good source of mass-building nutrients. Among the many advantages to using beans, here are a few of the more important one

  • Beans include a high amount of fibre, which helps keep blood sugar levels constant for those with diabetes.
  • When you eat a serving of beans with each meal, your hunger pangs are quickly alleviated, and your body is refuelled quickly.
  • Improved metabolism, bowel cleansing, and healthy bacterial activity in the system may all be attributed to beans. They also favourably affect the gut.
  • Because of its float concentration, it encourages the development of RBCs (blood cells).
  • Beans have been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease in people who eat them on a regular basis.

How Can I Cook Beans in a Rice Cooker

  • To begin with, soak the beans overnight to ensure that they cook to the right consistency and texture.
  • In a large pot, combine three quarts of water and one cup of cooked beans. Beans must be well wrapped and soaked. Rinse the drying beans and put them in the pressure cooker the next day.
  • It’s time to add the bay leaf and four cups of water.To help break down the more difficult-to-digest components, we’ll use the bay leaf.
  • After everything has been placed in the cooker, simply turn it on and walk away.
  • When the cycle is complete, check to see if all of the beans are still submerged in water. Soak the beans until they are completely softened, if necessary.
  • Then start a second cycle in the cooker, but reduce the duration by half, so that the total cooking time is 90 minutes. Remove the beans from the cooker and rinse them well.

As far as supper preparation goes, they’ll be completely set! Because salting the beans in the rice cooker is a bad idea, we’ll go ahead with a dish recipe.

How Can I Know When the Beans Are Done Cooking?

Beans that have been fully cooked should be soft and firm. Taste the beans to determine whether they are ready when you are almost done cooking. A second option is to crush a bean against the pot’s side to get a feel for how it feels.


Can I Use a Rice Cooker to Cook Beans?

Rehydrate the beans and put them all back into your rice cooker with 4 cups of purified water and a bay leaf in the morning. It’s time for one cycle of the rice cooker… Immediately eliminate the bay leaf, drain, and wash your cooked beans one more time before using them for whatever use you have in mind for them.

Is a Rice Cooker a Pressure Cooker?

Although pressure cookers and rice cookers aren’t exactly the same, the two appliances share a lot in common. It may be tough for someone with limited kitchen space or a limited budget to decide between a high-quality rice cooker and a top-of-the-line pressure cooker.

Can You Cook Beans in a Zojirushi Rice Cooker?

The Zojirushi rice cooker brands listed above were used in the development of this recipe. Other models may need modifications as well. Using a rice spatula, stir the chicken stock, thyme, peppercorns, and shallots into the rice in the inner pan. The rice should be topped with a clam leaf, beans, and fried bacon.


Rice cookers are great for making beans, so we’re confident you’ve made up your mind! Making rice in a rice cooker has various advantages, including speed and convenience. 

Let us know what you’ve learned about cooking beans in rice cookers by submitting your own stories!